The Ripple Effect of Change

Most of you are pain related clients & have had to
break through either some level of physical muscle resistance, or your own emotional resistance, or both.

The word ‘suffer’ is a word that means different things to different clients. Only you know what struggles you have overcome & in my experience most of us suffer quietly. Sometimes the longer you’ve suffered…the more quiet you become.  It’s this internal strength you’ve built that then gives you the resilience you need to gain your power back with treatment.

All pain has a ripple effect — not only does it disrupt your life and the energy force you use to manage it however you can, but it has is likely to have changed your personal interactions. Relationships with your family, children, and friends can alter in a range of ways, tiny or huge, due to the physical restrictions and emotional strain that result from living with pain.

Any injury also has a ripple effect on the rest of the body.  The injury is not contained within itself, it impacts other areas of the body as well because the body needs to compensate for the injury.  This compensation then creates misalignment or adaptations throughout your body and creates the potential for future problems.  It’s the little changes we do that can eventually make the biggest impact. These consistent (maybe persistent by me ;)) little changes then have the ability to create long lasting change!

I believe in the bigger picture of how positively embracing change can not only improves your life, but the lives of everyone around you.  I’ve had clients so bravely say to me they thought they had been managing to hold it all together pretty well, but after taking control of their pain cycle their kids had asked them “Mum, why are you so happy now?”  The part we forget is the ripple effect managing our stress levels have on the people around us.  Our family, the workplace, the way we interact with people or stop interacting, & how we feel in our own space we call home, are all impacted.

Change happens…sometimes it happens so slowly that we don’t notice. I would love for you to take a moment & to look back… remember where you’ve come from when we started & I’m sure you can see it clearer.  How hard you’ve worked, or how much you’ve grown by pushing yourself, or maybe just simply taken it one appointment at a time & made that commitment not only to the outcome, but to yourself and your health. See the difference between what used to be and what is now.

Most of all, be proud of you, because I am.
